Babilon provides reliable and accurate, top quality professional language services to national and international clients, accommodated to their various needs and expectations and in line with the highest standards in the industry.
Babilon takes great pride of its extensive experience in pharmaceutical and medical translation. We have a long-standing cooperation with the Sandoz group of companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Lek Pharmaceuticals and Novartis BA), Bosnalijek d.d. and Pfizer BH d.o.o. We have also worked with Medis, Alcon Pharmaceuticals, Biomedica Sarajevo and Partnerships in Health, as well as several companies distributing and servicing medical and laboratory equipment.
Babilon also caters to companies and projects in the environment and energy sectors. We take great pride in our collaboration with Enova d.o.o. Sarajevo within the World Bank projects, and the NGO Center for Energy, Environment and Resources (CENER 21). Another client in this sector is Hill International, implementing the WATSAN FBiH subproject within the Western Balkans Investment Framework. Previously, we worked with the Norwegian Norsk Energi and their local partners Ceteor Sarajevo; and we provided language services on the project “Technical Assistance to Support Implementation of Water and Sanitation Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina” implemented by the consortium of IGIP – Ingenieurgesellschaft für internationale Planungsaufgaben mbH, NAMA Consulting Engineers and Planners S.A. and EXERGIA – Energy and Environment Consultants S.A.
Babilon has provided language services to two USAID’s activities in the area of justice reform – the now completed Justice Project in BiH and the ongoing Justice against Corruption Activity in BiH (JACA). Our language professionals are also on the list of language service providers of the EU4Justice Project in BiH. We are official translation service providers to the Council of Europe. For a number of years we have provided language services to the Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) and their national partners. Babilon also provides interpretation services to the Belgium based IBF for TAIEX in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Our language professionals are also on the list of translators and interpreters of the UN agencies in BiH (UNICEF, UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA).
The list of our international clients also includes UNODC, Vienna; NATO, TACSO – Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organizations in the Western Balkans and Turkey; Education for Change, International Labor Organization, etc. We worked on several EU funded projects implemented by the Polish EPRD ltd., Austrian CEEN Consulting and Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency – SERDA BiH.
Babilon is proud of its long-term work with Rent a PR Consulting, specialized agency for strategic communication, communication management and consulting. We have worked on the project Communicating Reform Agenda (Project IRIS), supported by the Good Governance Fund, UK Aid and the British Embassy in BiH since April 2018.
Babilon also caters to clients in the field of financial markets, auditing, and insurance such as BiH based PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax and Advisory, KPMG Tax and Advisory, Raiffeisen Brokers, and Bosna Sunce Osiguranje and Grawe insurance companies, as well as US based Eaton Vance and Terra Partners.
We have been entrusted with the translations of project and tender documents, including numerous technical specifications and projects of various construction companies both BiH and internationally based, including among others, BBM d.o.o. Sarajevo, Winner Project d.o.o. Sarajevo, Italian C. Lotti & Associati and Korean Samsung C&T.
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